Kategoria: portugalia

Belem – najpiękniejsza dzielnica Lizbony

Bardzo zależało mi, żeby moje ostatnie dni w Portugalii nie były wyłącznie pakowaniem się, więc zrobiłem to trochę wcześniej, wysłałem bagaż kurierem do Polski i zaplanowałem sobie jeszcze jedną, ostatnią portugalską wycieczkę, do Lizbony, żeby po raz ostatni pospacerować po jej najpiękniejszej dzielnicy, Belem. Chociaż…

Dworzec kolejowy São Bento w Porto

Dworce, autobusowe czy kolejowe, mają to do siebie, że zwykle ograniczają się do wykonywania przez siebie tylko jednej funkcji – odprawiania pasażerów w dalszą drogę. O estetyce tych obiektów często nie ma mowy, a przecież to właśnie tutaj często czekamy nawet kilka godzin – nikt…

Jak smakuje cheeseburger w McDonald’s Imperial?

[:en]I don’t know a person who wouldn’t recognize the most famous yellow „M” letter. McDonald’s fast food restaurants have reached almost every place in the world. We can order a hamburger, fries or shake almost everywhere. However, there are restaurants slightly or even completely different…

Księgarnia Lello & Irmão w Porto

[:en]If you like books (or if you don’t, it doesn’t matter), you should visit Lello & Irmão bookstore, located on Rua das Carmelitas 144. Opened in 1906, still runs and enchants visitors with its Art Nouveau and Gothic Revival interior. The spiral, wooden stairs in…

Porto w Porto. Próbujemy wina z doliny Douro

[:en]When thinking about Porto, you can’t avoid thinking also about the wine that is produced here. It’s the integral element of the city and when you are here it’s more than advised to visit one of the vineries, located on the second side of Douro…

Pocztówka z Porto

[:en]The city is the second in Portugal when it comes to the number of population. As you’ve probably noticed already, its name had an influence on the name of the country. Porto is most famous of its wine, but when you spend a few days…

Plaże w Lagos

[:en]Algarve region is famous for its beautiful sandy bitches and it’s one of the most visited places in Portugal, especially in the summer. I believe the blue hues of the sky and the ocean can be breathtaking, but not for us, at least not during…

Sfera sacrum w Coimbrze

[:en]Portugal seems to be a very religious country. Travelling around, we can notice that many temples are well-preserved, buildings (also residental) are decorated with azulejos tiles with religious scenes or depictions of saints. There are also cult centres and places of pilgrims’ destinations (Fatima) and…

Aveiro, czyli portugalska Wenecja

[:en]Living in Portugal gives such an amazing opportunity to visit all the places I’ve always wanted and my aim is to see as much as possible. I couldn’t start my voyages at the very beginning due to paperwork at university, but now when I got…

Pierwsze spacery w Coimbrze

[:en]Time goes by fast – it’s been two weeks since my arrival in Coimbra. It was enough to get to know the city a little, find a few good locations, stores and to sightsee a bit. I’m still experiencing troubles with Portuguese language, but I get…